Today the Government of Ontario announced a vaccine mandate policy for employees in a number of publicly funded employment settings including Education, Health and Developmental Services.
You can read the full announcement and other materials here: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1000750/ontario-makes-covid-19-vaccination-policies-mandatory-for-high-risk-settings
Based on the announcement we understand that employees who are fully vaccinated will be exempted from the one employer rule.
More detail and information in regards to this announcement will be presented from the government in the coming days.
However, by taking this action, and providing such clear direction, OASIS feels that the government has shown strong leadership, and by extension, has assisted in keeping some of the most vulnerable people in our province safe.
In addition to today’s announcement, and with the fourth wave upon us, we now have strong reason to be confident that the Wage Enhancement will again be extended beyond the current 23rd August deadline.
We will of course give you more information once we are able to.