President’s Scholarship
The President’s Scholarship is presented at the Annual Conference of OASIS. This award was established in recognition of the contributions of the volunteer Presidents of OASIS since its inception in 1996.
- Issued once per year to an Executive Director or Senior Manager;
- Presented at the Annual OASIS Conference;
- Up to $5,000 value;
- Can be utilized for Executive Director’s or Senior Manger attendance/participation in a conference or educational program of their selection; and
- Funds can be utilized for travel, accommodation, meals, registration fees and materials i.e. books.
Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to email administrative support at membership@oasisonline.ca
President’s Scholarship Winners
2014-2015 – Krista Haiduk-Collier, Community Living South Muskoka
As a new CEO, Krista Haiduk-Collier is in the position of developing and implementing new strategic and operational goals to prepare her agency for the future, while ensuring that the excellent work done to date is not dismissed. Krista’s 24 years at her agency and over 26 years’s experience in the field have left her in a unique position to lead her organization into this new era of direct funding.
Krista has been fortunate to work and be a leader in every area of service delivery, from children to adult, residential, community participation and seniors. She has been able to build strong teams to support quality work both in her agency and in the community through collaboration.
She has been heavily involved in community and committee work, and is currently Chair of the Regional Family Home Network Committee, and Chair of the Regional Respite Network. Krista is an active member of the Best Start Network and was Chair of the Early Learning Sub-Committee of this Network for a number of years.
Through her role as a senior leader at her agency, Krista has been able to bring together a number of service areas to develop collaborative work, and thereby enhance quality delivery of services.
In addition to committee work, she was recently able to bring together MCSS, MCYS, Ministry of Education, two local School boards and another agency in the area to develop a local Transitional Aged Youth Integrated Planning Process.
In partnership with her District Municipality, licenced child care providers, and another regional agency, she was involved in the creation of a new Enhanced Support Model for children with Special Needs to attend Before and After School Care, and Summer Camp Programs.
2013-2014 – Peter Sproul, Community Living Kingston & District
Peter assumed the position of Executive Director at his agency in 2012. He was involved in the closure of facilities and institutions, including Prince Edward Heights and Rideau Regional Centre.
He has met with investigators from the office of the Ombudsman to present ideas and perspectives related to the unmet needs in his community. He has worked hard to establish a voice at a local level and become engaged provincially to raise concerns on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
The OASIS President’s scholarship award is valued up to $5000. Peter will use this scholarship to participate in a conference or educational program of his choice to continue his ongoing professional development to the benefit his organization, and the developmental services sector as a whole.
2012-2013 – Jocelyne Paul, Ottawa Carleton Lifeskills
This scholarship is available to Executive Directors to utilize for travel, accommodations, meals and registration fees for a course of their choosing. Jocelyne Paul will utilize the $5,000 scholarship to invest in executive coaching sessions that will enable her to have a greater impact within her own agency and in the regional and provincial developmental services sector. When she has completed her coaching sessions she intends to share her learning with the people in her organization to further their succession plan and within the Developmental Services sector.