OASIS Submission re: Transforming Services in Ontario

OASIS Submission re: Transforming Services in Ontario

“I would like to reiterate that OASIS considers it fundamentally important that a new longer term vision for the developmental services sector articulate, as both a central objective and a ...

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Presentation to Minister of Finance

Presentation to Minister of Finance

January 31, 2006 OASIS Presentation to Minister of Finance: Ontario Budget 2006...

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Opportunities & Action

Opportunities & Action

A Response from the Provincial Network INTRODUCTION The consultations questions provided by the ministry are focused on what individuals and families perceive as valuable supports and services. The members of ...

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OASIS Feedback to MCSS re Facility Closure Initiative

OASIS Feedback to MCSS re Facility Closure Initiative

June 27, 2006 A) We at ***** have 1 person for whom we are planning. That person has very recently moved into a Long Term Care facility because of her medical/feeding requirements – and ...

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Letter from President Gerald Sutton Respecting the OASIS response to “Opportunities and Action”

Letter from President Gerald Sutton Respecting the OASIS response to “Opportunities and Action”

OASIS Members, I am pleased to send to all our member agencies the response from OASIS to the Ministry’s document “Opportunities and Action”. OASIS would like to thank the ...

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Meet Gerry Sutton, the New OASIS President

Meet Gerry Sutton, the New OASIS President

Gerry’s involvement as a volunteer in the developmental sector has been extensive. He served as President of the Montreal Association, the Quebec Association and served as Director for the ...

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OASIS President Gerald Sutton Receives Senior Achievement Award

OASIS President Gerald Sutton Receives Senior Achievement Award

The Ontario Senior Achievement Award is presented to about twenty individuals annually. The purpose of the award is to recognize and honour outstanding seniors who, after age 65, have made significant ...

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