It is with excitement that OASIS 2017 Planning Committee releases the official conference brochure – and announces that registration is now open online.
The brochure is 2017 CONFERENCE BROCHURE – although we anticipate very few changes, the most recent version of the brochure will always be available on the OASIS website.
It is anticipated that registration will be at peak capacity this year – so we encourage you to register yourself and/or your team as soon as possible. Registration is now OPEN HERE.
Also noteworthy is the need to make your accommodation arrangements as soon as possible – please consult the brochure for this information.
And to put you in the spirit of OASIS 20th anniversary AND Canada’s 150th birthday‚Ķ..please take a moment to enjoy THIS VIDEO
We look forward to “BEING SEEN IN GREEN IN ‚Äò17” with all of you!