Elliott Urges the Government to Adopt the Recommendations in the Select Committee on Developmental Services Final Report
QUEEN’S PARK Yesterday during Routine Proceedings, the Select Committee on Developmental Services was finally able to table their Final Report, ‘Inclusion and Opportunity: A New Path for Developmental Services in Ontario’.
“After months of hard work by the committee, we were finally able to release our final recommendations to the public. I urge the government to immediately adopt the recommendations, so we are able to start providing much needed relief to Ontario families” said Elliott.
The Select Committee on Developmental Services began its work last October and has travelled throughout the province, hearing from hundreds of individuals and families that there is a clear need for change in the system.
“The support for the Select Committee on Developmental Services was overwhelming. The committee heard from hundreds of Ontario families that need help. I want to thank all those individuals, families and organizations that shared their stories with us” said Elliott.
A petition is being circulated to encourage the government to immediately adopt the final recommendations of the Select Committee on Developmental Services. Petition- Select Committee on Developmental Services
The Select Committee on Developmental Services Final Report can be read here:
Contact: Laurel Brazill | Office of Christine Elliott, MPP | (416) 325-1331