Abilities Connect Fund
Thank you to everyone who joined the OASIS webinar on October 26th on the Abilities Connect Fund. We hope that you found the session informative and that you feel confident applying for the program. The recorded webinar presentation can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxTqAWnuKyc. Below is the Application Guide, Informational Flyer, Application Form and the Presentation Deck.
Lastly, to help OASIS continue to provide relevant and educational webinars, we would be very appreciative if you took a few minutes to fill out a survey found here. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F67HDJ8
Application Guide – Abilities Connect Fund
Abilities Connect Flyer Oct21
Blank Abilities Connect Application Form(Blank)
Abilities Connect Fund – Ontario Chamber of Commerce -October 2015
For more information on the Abilities Connect Fund, please contact Louie Di Palma at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce at 416 482 -5222, ext. 2270 or at louiedipalma@occ.ca