Second Recipient of the ANNIE OLIVER AWARD

It is an extreme pleasure to be asked to present the 2nd annual Annie Oliver award this evening.
This year’s recipient is well known and much loved in our organization. Her name is Helen Havlik.
Before I present Helen with her award, I would like to take this opportunity to tell those who do not know Helen as well as the board members, a little bit about this amazing woman.
Helen has been a passionate volunteer in this sector for two decades. She has made significant contributions to our sector at both the community and provincial levels.
She has been a board member of her local association for almost 20 years and has been serving on the OASIS board of Directors since its inception. As a founding member of OASIS, she was also involved in numerous meetings which lead up to the formation of OASIS. Helen and other representatives on that group had a vision of what a new, focused organization could bring to the table to better the delivery of services by Ontario agencies to individuals with developmental disabilities in this province
During her nine years as an OASIS Board member, her energetic passion, leadership and wisdom has helped to make OASIS the strong vibrant organization that it is today. Helen has remained passionate in her resolve to adhere to the OASIS Mission Statement and heroic in her persistence to keep OASIS on track. Many times over the 9 years that this great lady has been on this board she has been the voice of reason; the gentle nudge of conscience for us. She has brought an understanding of governance, a keen eye for issues and the remarkable insight to ask the tough questions at the right time, of the right people (this included Ministers, Deputy Ministers and fellow Board Members.) Anyone who has sat on the OASIS board can picture Helen speaking with determination and emphasizing a point by quietly pounding her fist on the table during a meeting!
At the heart of Helen’s commitment to our organization, is her insistence that all agencies be involved and have a voice in our deliberations. To this end, Helen provided leadership and guidance to our Board through organizing monthly phone calls to member agencies.
Helen has represented OASIS to the Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities along with members of Reena. She is helping to ensure that as Ontario’s most vulnerable citizens? age, services and support that reflect their needs will be available.
Over the years, Helen has given freely of her time, energy and leadership and I am honoured to be able to recognize her incredible contributions by presenting Helen Havilik with the 2nd Annual Annie Oliver award.