George Braithwaite Scholarship
The George Braithwaite Scholarship was established in recognition of former OASIS Board member and President, George Braithwaite for his volunteer contributions to OASIS. George was one of the founding members of OASIS. George exemplified the mission of OASIS through his tireless efforts, strong leadership and numerous activities on behalf of people with developmental disabilities.
He was a tireless advocate on behalf of the developmental services sector and the Transfer Payment Agencies and an exceptional communicator and relationship builder with the Government. George was also a strong advocate on behalf of supporting ongoing professional development opportunities for Developmental Services Sector leaders.
Scholarship Details
- Issued once per year to an Executive Director
- Presented at OASIS Annual Conference
- Up to $5,000 value
- Utilized for Executive Director’s attendance/participation in the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities’ week-long Leadership Institute at the University of Delaware
- Funds to be utilized for travel, accommodation, meals & registration fees
Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to email membership@oasisonline.ca
Past George Braithwaite Scholarship Winners
2015-2016 – Janet Lorimer, Community Living Oakville

Left to right: Minister Helena Jaczek, Janet Lorimer, OASIS President David Barber
The winner of this year’s George Braithwaite Scholarship Award began her career in social services as a Service Coordinator, and shortly afterward became a Residential Manager overseeing 24hr. supervised homes for children.
Anyone who knows her can attest to her passion for the people she provides support to, and this led to the creation of the Associate Family Home Program – where children and young adults enjoy a quality of life in a loving and caring family environment. She was also instrumental in creating expansions to ensure people could return to their community during the facility closures.
In 2009, she was offered a Deputy Executive Director’s position at Community Living Newmarket/Aurora, and a few months later became the Executive Director. In 2012 she accepted an Executive Director position at Community Living Oakville, which she proudly holds to this day.
She works tirelessly to further contribute towards the mission and vision of the organization, while establishing a path with clear and measurable results. Under her leadership, the organization has gained financial strength and a culture that is conducive to collaboration and a strong work ethic where the people who have a developmental disability are on a journey to reaching their full potential.
2014-2015 – Judy Pryde, Community Living Burlington
Judy Pryde has been Executive Director at her agency since late 2003. In her 11 years with the agency, she has been an integral part of growing and developing close partnerships within her community. She continuously keeps her focus on individuals that are in need now, while also identifying those who are aging and require different models of support.
Judy works closely with neighbouring agencies to look at creative ways to collaborate and provide supports to families in the community. She is very aware of the challenges facing our sector and continues to develop strategies for providing optimum supports in a time of on-going change.
Judy is a strong advocate for OASIS and the various operational supports her colleagues provide. She joined the Labour Relations Committee in 2006, and is the second longest serving member of the Committee. Not only has she has brought great energy and ideas to the Committee’s work, but she has also brought a wicked sense of humour to the Committee, and has regularly entertained Committee members with her stories about ‚Äòstupid people’s. Judy has also been an active member of OASIS’s Nominations Committee since its inception 5 years ago.
Those who know her, know that she is the consummate professional; dedicated to both her organization and to the people they support. She is a recognized leader in the DS sector in her region, frequently sought out by both colleagues and Ministry staff for her insights and suggestions.
2013-2014 – Andrew Lewis, Niagara Support Services & Niagara Training and Employment Agency
Andrew Lewis has been very busy serving as Chief Executive Officer for not one, but two developmental service agencies since 2006. He participates in numerous community committees and working groups in both the adult developmental services sector, as well as the children’s services field.
Over the past number of years he has been involved with the Developmental Services Human Resources Strategy as part of the Awareness and Marketing Committee, as well as the Shared Interest Committee.
He is very aware of the challenges facing our sector as many of our senior leadership move out of the workforce over the next 5-7 years, and that those who remain will be challenged to lead and mentor the next wave of talent.
2012-2013 – Michelle Marshall, The Participation House Project (Durham Region)

Michelle Marshall
This scholarship is available to Executive Directors to utilize for travel, accommodation, meals and registration fees to attend the National Consortium on Developmental Disabilities week long Leadership Institute at the University of Delaware. This year’s recipient is Michelle Marshall, Executive Director, The Participation House Project (Durham Region).