Member Benefits
- Voting Privileges
- OASIS Newsletter – FOCUS
- Monthly Mailing
- Optional Shared Cost Training and Information Seminars, Meetings & Conferences
- OASIS Website Member Exclusive Section
- E-mail Mail List Subscription to E.D./Board List, H.R. List, Finance List
- Effective Voice with Government
- Exciting and Progressive Network of Volunteers and Professionals
- Labour Relations Committee
- OASIS Policy Database
Details of OASIS Membership Benefits
Voting Privileges – OASIS is governed by a Board of Directors . All OASIS members in good standing, have one equal vote to make decisions at annual general meetings about the election of a Board of Directors, various work activities and charter related matters.
OASIS Newsletter – The newsletter ” FOCUS ” deals with a range of items including: government legislation, timely service issues, agency “Best Practices”, Internet disability resources and many other subjects from time to time. The content will be distributed by hard copy to agencies and simultaneously posted on the OASIS website.
Monthly Mailing – A monthly package of information will be distributed to member agencies consisting of gathered information relevant to our support services. This information will be primarily pulled from various external sources, but it will include correspondence and other items which the President and Board or members may want to share from time to time.
Optional Shared Cost Training and Information Seminars, Meetings & Conferences – From time to time OASIS will organize meetings for the benefit of member agencies on topics deemed relevant, timely and important. These optional opportunities will be available to member agencies on a shared cost basis.
OASIS Website – The website located at serves as a central repository of information pertaining to virtually everything which OASIS represents and plans to do. It is updated frequently and serves as a vital information distribution core to all member agencies and interested individuals.
E-mail Mail Lists – A mail list e-mail communications system is in place which gives OASIS members easy options to include everyone automatically in their communication loop, whether it be E.D., H.R. or Financial professionals. This becomes increasingly important as people come and go within the network and the various addresses are too difficult for everyone to keep track of manually. This kind of state-of-the-art communication is a cornerstone of the OASIS group to communicate more fully and frequently with its’ member base.
Representation With Government – OASIS has an effective voice with the provincial government when they consult with key components of our service sector. This feature enables member agencies to put ideas forward through OASIS.
Exciting and Progressive Network of Volunteers and Professionals – OASIS has an enthusiastic and cohesive working group of individuals who are dedicated, focused and very interested in having others build upon this networking membership.
Labour Relations Committee – Due to legal issues, which from time to time challenge local agencies, the Board endorsed a formal Labour Relations Committee on March 12, 1999. This standing committee will assist member agencies in the area of education and information. Additionally, consideration is being given to including a “Call Centre” which member agencies may contact for advice.
In July 2001, the Human Resources Department of Canada funded a project to supply the human services field with an on-line library. It will provide easy access to information regarding the best practices and provincial standards for policies and procedures in the non-profit sector. The project is hosted by Participation House Support Services and was initiated by OASIS members. Support for the project also came from other local groups.
The project will assist agencies in updating policies and procedures in order to keep current with provincial standards and practices. The economic benefits of this project are to create a useful on-line resource for all non-profit agencies.