This year’s recipient is Andy Rotsma.

Before I ask Andy to come forward to accept his award, I would like to share a few things that his nominators said about him.
“He has been a long time supporter of OASIS and an active contributor throughout the history of OASIS”
“Andy’s whole career has been spent in the Developmental Services Sector. The last 16 years of which has been as the Executive Director at Oakville. I understand that he will be leaving this position as of today. This will be a huge loss to Oakville and to all of us for sure!”
“Andy, through his work with the Labour Relations Committee (has been a member since 2005) is well known for challenging the Government on Pay Equity and WSIB legislation and in doing so, this has led to additional Pay Equity funding for the Sector and financial savings for organizations with regard to WSIB.”
“Andy has been a very active member of the Salary Survey Committee, the Funding Work Group of the Network and the OASIS Accreditation Committee.”
“Andy has been a tremendous support to Gerry Sutton while Gerry was President of OASIS. I know from experience how very important that support is!! Without it a volunteer President could not do the job.”
Another aspect of Andy’s personality that has endeared him to his colleagues is his sense of humor. Andy is rarely seen without a smile on his face. He has been identified as a “long suffering Maple Leaf Fan who for many years has been willing to lose a bottle of wine to the chair of the Labour Relations Committee when the Senators results exceeded the Leafs.” Unfortunately neither team made the playoffs this year but maybe next year, right Andy? I am able to identify with Andy in this regard because I too am one of those long suffering Leaf fans.
In summary, it is my pleasure to present this award to someone who has done so much for this organization and the Developmental Services Sector as a whole. Thank you Andy and congratulations!!