What is the OASIS Brighter Future Pledge?
Show your commitment to Ontario’s most vulnerable citizens.
Currently, between 12,000 and 20,000 adults with developmental disabilities live with their families and are languishing on waiting lists, in dire need of support services.
Existing developmental support services alone will face a funding short-fall of $100 million by 2015/2016. The Brighter Future Pledge is a commitment to do your part in a collaborative effort to advocate for investment in the developmental services sector to ensure that by April 1st, 2020, every person who has a developmental disability – and their family – has access to the support they need to live in the community, free from poverty.
OASIS supports the service improvement recommendations outlined in the 2012 report commissioned by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Brighter Prospects, which reviewed social assistance in Ontario.
We recognize that the goal of ensuring that every Ontarian with a developmental disability has access to the support they need will only be achieved through the cooperation of government, partner organizations, and individual citizens. Consequently, OASIS is asking the employees, staff, and supporters of our member organizations to be the first to take the pledge and integrate this concept into their workplace cultures and everyday lives.
OASIS plans to share the list of individuals and organizations who take this pledge with Ontario legislators and their staffs as well as other sector partners and supporters.
Questions? Contact Michelle Marshall at 289-634-1642 or mmarshall@phdurham.com for more information.