OASIS only
1. Did your agency utilize the proxy method of determining pay equity? 32 responses (39%): Internal Comparators ? 4; Proxy Comparison ? 28 (3 responses with no information). Only responses from agencies utilizing the proxy method were used to calculate the following results.
2. What was / is the total amount of funding required for your agency to achieve its pay equity targets? Average amount per agency, was $1,171,835; average per agency is still $855,389.
3. What is the projected year that your agency will achieve your Pay Equity targets (based on minimum 1% increase each year): Average is 2025, with a range from 2001 to 2046.
4. What is the amount your agency has paid out for pay equity to date, and up to which calendar year? Average amount paid by agency is $308,674, and the average year is 2000 (1 @ 1997; 5 @ 1998; 5 @ 1999; 1 @ 2000; 7 @ 2001; and, 3 @ 2002).
5. Of your payments to date, what percentage was MCSS funding and what, if any, percentage was from other funding sources (please identify alternate sources): The majority of agencies (88%) utilized 100% MCSS funding to pay the requirements. 3 agencies received minor amounts from the Ministry of Housing, United Way and a local County in addition to their MCSS funding.
6. Had you achieved ?pay equity? before the calendar year 2001? 100% of the proxy agencies had not achieved pay equity before 2001.
7. What was the amount owing up to 2001? Agencies owed an average of $262,523 for pay equity requirements up to 2001.
8. Did your agency utilize any of the HR Pressures funding announced in 2000 for pay equity purposes? 33% of agencies utilized the HR Pressures funding for pay equity; 66% of agencies did not.
9. If so, which portion or all? All but one of the agencies utilized 100% of the funds for pay equity, with the other utilizing 40% of the funds for this purpose.
10. Did your agency apply the Revitalization funds in 2001 to pay equity obligations? 64% of agencies utilized the Revitalization funds for pay equity; 34% of agencies did not.
11. If so, did the funds eliminate your pay equity obligations, or do you still have current or accumulated liabilities? One agency achieved full Pay Equity with the funds; 7 agencies became current with their requirements; 8 agencies did not become current with their use of Revitalization funds.
12. If your agency did not use Revitalization funds for this purpose, please indicate reasons why not? 3 agencies reported not utilizing the funds for this purpose in order to not diminish their claim with MCSS for full funding of pay equity; 2 agencies reported utilizing the funds for wage increases that were not identified as pay equity increases.
13. Do you still have future pay equity obligations that will arise? 96% of agencies reported still having future pay equity obligations (all but one agency).
14. If so, what is the total amount required to meet these obligations? The average amount owed by each agency is $873,870.
15. If you receive a refund out of the Employer Health Tax, do you anticipate applying any or all of these funds towards any Pay Equity obligations? 80% of agencies reported that they would not utilize the refund for pay equity purposes, due to the fact that it would be ?one-time only? funds.
16. If you have created new positions within your organization since posting your Plan, have you set the wage rate at the target rate identified in your posted Pay Equity Plan? 20% of agencies indicated that they had created positions at target rates, however 40% indicated that they had not created new classifications of positions. 40% indicated that they had created positions, but not at the target rate.
17. Has your organization introduced and maintained the ?maintenance component? of your Plan? 36% of agencies reported that they had, or were attempting to introduce this component. Many responses questioned what the requirement was however.
18. If you have a Union representing any portion of your employees, have you included them in all issues related to pay equity payouts that impact the employees they represent? 72% of agencies indicated that they were unionized (18 of 25).
19. How would you rate your Union’s position on Pay Equity:
Informed 44% Not Informed 39%
Supportive 50% Not Supportive 33%
Involved 39% Not Involved 50%