Best Western Brant Park Inn
19 Holiday Drive
Brantford, Ontario


Board Meeting Agenda
4:00 -7:00 pm


Brian Young, President
Sherry Kerr, Secretary
Ann Kenney, Vice President Executive Director
John Bedell, Treasurer
Bonnie Dinning, Director at Large
Molly Croke, Director
Brian Dunne, Director
Denis McClelland, Director
Andrew Lewis, Supporting E.D.
David Ferguson, Supporting E.D.
Janis Fraser, Supporting E.D.
Tom McCallum, Supporting E.D.
Mary van Delft, Administrative Support


Gerald Sutton, Past President
Michael Humes, Director
Judy Reid, Vice President Volunteer
Jane Joris, Director
Don Seymour, Supporting E.D.
Andy Rotsma, Supporting E.D.
Michael Doto, Supporting E.D


Xavier Noordermeer ? Community Living Essex County
Nancy Wallace-Gero ? Community Living Windsor
Jocelyne Paul, Executive Director ? Ottawa-Carleton Life Skills
Paul Wilson ? Brant Community Living
Janette Reansbury – Brant Community Living

Brian Young, President, called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm

Xavier Noordermeer & Nancy Wallace-Gero presented plans for the OASIS Conference and AGM to be held at Caesars Windsor on May 13th-15th, 2009. Theme for the conference is REV It Up in Windsor Essex County ? Renew, Energize, AdVance.

Plans include golf at the Ambassador Golf Club; workshops on transformation, accreditation, human resource management, leadership and the millennium generation; guest speakers, and presentations by Minister Madeleine Meilleur and local MPP’s Sandra Puppatella, Dwight Duncan and/or Bruce Crozier. Additional activities may include a wine tour, shopping, a Detroit Tigers baseball game, Detroit River boat tour, entertainment at Caesars and the casino.

About 350 people are expected to attend the 2009 Conference. The conference could have an international flavour as Michigan contacts of the host agencies will be invited to attend.

Sponsorship rates presented were set at $3,500, $1,500 and $400. Xavier and Nancy were advised to have clear communication with sponsors about what the sponsorship includes; i.e.: size of display space, conference meals, supplies provided, i.e. electrical outlet, etc. An entry level sponsor may have a 10?x10? space, a major sponsor may get double that size and have meals included. Entry level sponsors could be given the option to purchase specific meal tickets.

The Board advised that registration fees should be kept to about $400 or less for member agencies. Non-member agencies generally pay about $100 more.

As contracts have already been signed with the Caesars Windsor for rooms, meals, etc, concern was expressed by the host agencies about covering expenses should a labour dispute prevent people from attending the conference. Xavier has been looking into insurance coverage for this. Most hotels have cancellation policies ? usually one month in advance for a conference. Contracts with speakers should address this concern. Any deficit/surplus goes back to OASIS.

Board costs were clarified. Board members are responsible to pay for their conference fees; the President’s registration and room is paid by the conference. Board members come in a day early for a meeting as well as dinner with the conference committee. The dinner is paid by the Board.

Advance notices will be going out soon so people can reserve the date. Registration packages will be sent out electronically early in the New Year. These will be forwarded to Sherry for circulation to OASIS list serves.

Xavier and Nancy will keep Judy informed of their progress with the conference. Traditionally, another presentation is made to the Board when the brochure is ready for distribution; however, this could be done electronically.

In her contact calls with agencies, Molly heard that the Sensory Network would like to make a presentation or have a trade table at the conference.


An MPP Bulletin will be sent as one has not been sent since the house reconvened about a month ago. Areas of concern that could be addressed in this bulletin are:
? Increased Community Capacity Initiative ? the Ministry’s plan to increase community capacity by redirecting a portion of existing service funds toward more individualized support for those who are without service. Regional meetings are taking place this week. Agencies have been asked to forward feedback/concerns so that the OASIS Board can develop a message of response to the Ministry. Feedback will be reviewed and regional differences identified as relationships with the Ministry are different in different areas. Action: Ann will set up a teleconference with an Executive Director from each region to review the information and identify the differences – Jocelyne, Andy, Janis, Andrew, Tom, Mike D., Ann (and Ann will contact representatives from the northern regions). The message will also reflect OASIS? concern that this is the result of government involvement in the labour disputes of 2007. Key terminology will be clarified ? we can tell them how we interpret and ask them to respond. The Ministry will be assured that agencies will do their best to meet the targets, but that they are concerned about the impact on agencies and people supported. Concern about agency autonomy should also be addressed ? that the needs of people should be met appropriately, not simply meeting the target numbers.
? Violence in the Workplace ? right to strike and picketing of people’s homes. The Labour Relations Committee made a submission to the Ministry of Labour on this issue.
? Bill 94 ? the private members bill to amend the ODSP Act and Ontario Works Act to prevent government from taking the income from RDSP’s into account as income or assets.
? Bill 77 ? express interest in being involved in the development of the regulations. Action: A letter asking to be involved in this process will also be sent to the Minister and Deputy Minister.
? Clarification on the Ministry’s commitment to next year’s 2% base funding increase. Agencies have signed bargaining agreements that include the 2% as well as pay equity. Teachers and doctors recently settled contracts for 12%. It seems like a huge inconsistency when money promised to developmental services is now being taken back and/or units of service increased. The efforts put into the HR strategy and quality staff for the sector will be difficult with these cutbacks. If we invest in people to be qualified, remuneration will be expected.
? Several CUPE locals (58) will be bargaining in the spring – what is the Ministry’s plan?

Board members broke into small groups to discuss these concerns and how they will be reflected in the MPP Bulletin. Information will be passed on the Michael Humes to compile.


Dunn Room Building – 440 Elgin Street
Board Meeting Agenda
8:30 a.m. ? 2:00 p.m.


Brian Young, President
Gerald Sutton, Past President
Ann Kenney, Vice President Executive Director
Judy Reid, Vice President Volunteer
John Bedell, Treasurer
Sherry Kerr, Secretary
Bonnie Dinning, Director at Large
Molly Croke, Director
Brian Dunne, Director
Denis McClelland, Director
Michael Humes, Director
Andy Rotsma, Supporting E.D.
Andrew Lewis, Supporting E.D.
David Ferguson, Supporting E.D.
Janis Fraser, Supporting E.D.
Tom McCallum, Supporting E.D.
Mary van Delft, Administrative Support


Jane Joris, Director
Don Seymour, Supporting E.D.
Michael Doto, Supporting E.D


Jocelyne Paul, Executive Director ? Ottawa-Carleton Life Skills

Brian Young, President, called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. Marty Chappell welcomed everyone to the Dunn Building.

The agenda was approved with the following additions:
? Preparation for spring budget ? invitation from Minister of Finance for pre-budget consultation
? Admin & Direct Supports Survey (2000 document)


Moved by: Judy Reid
Seconded by: Bonnie Dinning

?that the minutes of the Board of Directors? meeting held September 10th and 11th, 2008 in Ottawa be accepted as written.?



a. Update from Membership Contact – Molly
Molly presented her report on Calls to Agencies in October 2008. Two concerns raised ? one Executive Director requested more information on the Increased Community Capacity Initiative and the Sensory Network asked to have an information booth or make a presentation at the OASIS Annual Conference in 2009.

Molly also received feedback that agencies appreciated the message sent out by Brian Young.

b. Members Update – John
John reported that 133 members have paid their annual membership fees; 9 agencies still outstanding. Personal contact will be made with the agencies that have not yet paid.

c. FOCUS Newsletter
The current issue of the newsletter is not yet complete. An announcement about the 2009 OASIS Conference and AGM will be included.


a. Transformation Initiative / Partnership Table – Brian D.
OASIS representation at the Partnership Table has been limited to one ? Brian will continue attending with Sherry as back-up. Three of the four new family representatives have started attending. It appears to be turning toward a communications venue ? information sharing and responding. Focus has turned from policy to operations. It is anticipated meetings will be held four times yearly. If the Partnership Table has moved on to a communications venue, the work will probably be moved on to the regional tables.

There were a number of presentations that the Ministry was involved in at the last meeting:
? Bill 77 ? Proposed Amendments Approved by the Standing Committee on Social Policy. This was an overview of the process, feedback received and proposed changes.
? Results of Passport Evaluation ? Positive presentation ? evaluation only on what was funded not on waiting lists.
? Proposed Regulations Under Bill 77 ? OASIS will work on being involved in development of these regulations as they will be received better if the sector is involved.

One change in Bill 77 was the change from application centres to application process. The Ministry is not yet sure what this would look like ? ideas are welcome.

The Ministry gave an update on the Increased Community Capacity Initiative. Regional meetings are taking place this week. Specific numbers, region by region, must be achieved. The targets will be worked out at the local level. Vacancies must be filled with hard to serve people. The reduction to administrative costs must also be worked out locally. There seemed to be a direct link between administrative efficiency and the application process.

Plans to meet the targets must be submitted by January 9th, 2009; followed by an 18-month implementation period. There were conflicting dates about when the implementation period started, with some Board members being told it started April 1, 2008 and others on September 1, 2008. Targets will be based on last year’s budget, not including any fiscal funding

b. Meeting with ADM – Brian Y/Ann
Ann and Brian had a good meeting with Alex Bezzina and Nancy Lytle. Alex was very straight forward and willing to discuss all issues except the numbers around the community capacity initiative as this was still not through the political process. When questioned about mixed messages coming from regional offices, he suggested having monthly meetings and trying to get consistent messages out. He was not aware that CUPE has 58 agencies going to bargaining next spring and was prepared to let the strikes happen. With transformation moving into the operational phase, Ann and Brian stressed that it would be important to meet regularly with David Carter Whitney.


a. Labour Relations Committee – Dave
Minutes of the September meeting were circulated with the package for this meeting.

The Labour Relations Committee will be sending out a flyer next week about an information session on November 27th, 2008 on Contingency Planning. There will also be continued follow-up discussion on labour relations and the Network HR Committee from the last session.

The asbestos issue is moving slowing, but the committee will continue to move it along.

Revised Terms of Reference for the LR Committee were proposed.

Ontario Safety Association for Community and Healthcare (OSACH) is being hit by the safety association’s version of transformation. A presentation at the last meeting from the head of prevention at WSIB, proposed going from 12 Safety Associations to 4. OSACH would be absorbed into one of these new entities. Action: Dave will draft a letter on behalf of OASIS expressing concern about the effect of this on community.

Meetings with WSIB have resulted in some minor positive changes. WSIB will be sending out the changes agreed to. Organizations that have sheltered workshops will fall under the life skills category resulting in lower rates. WSIB will ensure that all agencies that should be covered are covered. The LR Committee had hoped for a developmental services rate ? WSIB felt the best they could do was $3.00/$100 ? the Committee felt this was too high. WSIB was then put on alert that OASIS may host an information session for members on opting out, with representatives from the insurance companies presenting WSIB alternatives ? WSIB would also be invited.

A submission on violence in the workplace was sent out by Judy Pryde outlining this potential concern for agencies. The work refusal issue is also a concern for some agencies ? the Ministry of Labour should be notified.

b. Business Resource Committee – John
The Business Resource Committee has been assisting the Provincial Network Funding group with benchmarking. They were given specific questions related to transformation ? space funded system to individual funded system, what benchmarks are appropriate, appropriate hourly rates. Data is being tested. Results will provide thoughts into how the sector can be transformed. They were asked to reflect on how to stabilize the system for future funding. The cost of service to provide specific supports is needed. The Committee could survey what supports agencies are providing to families. There is still concern about whether direct funding models will be held to the same level of accountability as agencies. Down the road, the Committee will look at efficiencies for bulk purchasing, etc.

c. Communication Committee – Sherry
Communication will continue as outlined in the communication matrix distributed at last month’s meeting. Eventually this will fit together into the Strategic Plan.

It was agreed that the December OASIS Board Meeting will follow the same format as this month ? Wednesday from 4:00-7:00 pm and then Thursday from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. At the next meeting agenda items for Wednesday evening will be Strategic Planning and Communications.

d. Provincial Network – Brian D.
Three meetings were held around the Increased Community Capacity Initiative where the Ministry was present. Nancy Lytle appears to be the new Ministry contact person for this initiative, taking over from Alex Bezzina.

There was an issue that the Network had not made a strong response to this initiative ? they did not want to because they did not have the information. However, silence can be interpreted as supporting the initiative so the Network decided to response. A copy of the Network’s response was sent out by Sherry yesterday.

Dave made a presentation at the Provincial Network about moving forward with the Human Resources Strategy. The unions were surprised at how advanced the strategy was without their involvement.

At the next meeting Colette Kent will be asked about the Ministry’s commitment to the $0.50 increase and base budget increase for next year so that agencies know where they stand.

e. Provincial Network Human Resources Committee – Dave
The Network is supportive of taking a three-pronged approach ? broad based lobbying/advocacy campaign for no strike sector; human rights challenge which is underway and the charter challenge around HLDAA. The Network feels that they can?t sit back and wait for the Ministry, so more opportunities for people to come together for discussion will be arranged. The next forum will dovetail with the upcoming Labour Relations session on November 27th, 2008 in Toronto.

CUPE and OPSEU made a request to be involved in the Human Resource planning committee. At a meeting scheduled for November 14th, they will be asked to participate in a sub-committee with representatives from the HR Provincial Strategy Committee and the labour groups. Compensation related to competencies may be taken be removed from the HR Strategy.

A small working group met with the Ministry. The Ministry believes that 50% of the developmental services sector is unionized. It appears this number may be misleading ? more accurately, 50% of agencies are unionized. These agencies account for about 65% of the sector and when Christian Horizons is removed, about 75% is unionized. Therefore for every dollar spent on non-unionized employees, about $2.00 is spent on unionized employees. This data will be reviewed again after the salary survey has been completed.

The Committee talked about following up or meeting with the Ministry of Labour regarding developmental services ?no right to strike? sector. Colette Kent offered to have MCSS facilitate this meeting. A small group from the Committee will go forward with this.

The Chair of the Committee, Dominic Conforti, stated his term on this committee is ending and as a result, succession planning was discussed.

The Committee is keen on partnering with a gentleman from Queen’s who is researching data on the developmental services sector in three areas primarily ? families who provide support without the use of agencies, discussions with agencies at the Executive Director and Human Resources levels and thirdly with unions. He is a parent of a disabled child and former union member.

f. OPADD – Denis
The last update was sent out after the September meeting. More information will be coming out about the symposium scheduled for March.

Seniors Health Research Transfer Network has set their goals for year. Janis has a copy of these that she will send out to Board members.


a. Labour Relations ? Revised Terms of Reference – Dave
The Labour Relations Committee has drafted revised Terms of Reference. The Committee is recommending increasing the size of the committee from four to six members as the membership of OASIS has increased substantially. Costs for the committee would increase with the addition of two new members.

It was recommended that the Terms of Reference include that ?the Chair will be selected from the Committee and will attend OASIS Board meetings?.

Moved by: Michael Humes
Seconded by: Dennis McClelland

?that the revised Terms of Reference for the Labour Relations Committee be accepted with the revision suggested.?


b. Salary Survey – Andy
Freshwater Consultants have provided a quote of $17,500 plus GST and maybe some travel to complete the salary survey. This company completed the last two surveys. It was recommended that we continue with them for consistency and people liked the system – it was easy to collect the information. Cost last time was about $16,500.

Moved by: John Bedell
Seconded by: Gerry Sutton

?that Freshwater Consultants be hired to conduct the salary survey at a cost of $17,500 plus GST and some travel.?


Discussed whether all the information contained in the survey was necessary. If some could be eliminated, cost may be reduced. Also, the question around staff turnover may be refined. Freshwater Consultants will be asked to acknowledge receipt of the information when it is submitted by agencies.

Data collection would begin in December with completion of the survey by the end of March.

Last time, 123 agencies participated ? about 10% of these were non-OASIS member agencies. The time before, 106 agencies participated. Information contained in the survey represented about 75% of all funding allocated by the Ministry to developmental services. The survey was provided at no cost to participating OASIS member agencies. Non-participating OASIS member agencies could purchase a copy of the survey for $300 and non-member agencies paid $500. Complimentary copies were provided to the Ministry ? to the Deputy Minister and two Assistant Deputy Ministers. The reason for not charging was to increase participation.

Moved by: Gerry Sutton
Seconded by: John Bedell

?that OASIS member agencies participating in the survey not be charged, that member agencies not participating be charged $300 and that non-member agencies be charged $750 for a copy of the survey.?


c. Budget Preparation
Copies of the 2008 Ontario Fall Economic Statement Analysis delivered by Finance Minister, Dwight Duncan, on Wednesday afternoon were distributed.

In preparation for the spring budget, the Minister of Finance has invited OASIS to a pre-budget consultation. Discussed what the OASIS message should include –
? a reminder of the results of the government intervention in the labour disputes of last year
? acknowledgement of economic constraints, and hope that commitments already made will be honoured ? wage enhancements and base budget increases for 2009-2010
? continue to talk about wait lists
? commit to doing more with less, but they not continue to ask
? ask for legislation change ? to allow agencies to have reserve funds
? ask if ODSP will be increasing on November 1st as planned

d. Admin Survey ? Brian D.
In 2000, OASIS commissioned a survey on Admin costs. Discussed whether another survey should be conducted as part of OASIS response to the 2% efficiency agencies are being asked to find. It was agreed the 2000 survey could be sent to the Ministry stating that it had already been done. There is a concern that information included in Admin by agencies is very different.


a. Financial Update – John
Copies of the OASIS Financial Statement for September 30, 2008 were presented. The statement reflects net assets of $226,955.

Moved by: Sherry Kerr
Seconded by: Brian Dunne

?that the OASIS Financial Statements for September 30, 2008 as prepared by John Bedell be accepted as presented.?


b. Correspondence – Sherry
A letter was received from Sylvia Jones regarding Bill 94.
An invitation was received from Community Living Guelph Wellington to attend the grand opening of their new Arc Industries on November 14th at 11:30 am.

c. Accreditation – Gerry
The Accreditation Committee met with CARF and Accreditation Ontario and will meet with Focus next week. Report will be made at the next meeting.

d. Leadership Seminar – Gerry
The Oakville Foundation has approved rebates of $1,000 for the first 30 agencies to register for the next Queen’s School of Business Leadership Seminar. Notices will go out to all member agencies next week; formal registrations will begin in early January. Net cost for the first 30 agencies will be $2,500.

Appreciation was expressed to Sherry for organizing the haunted barn event and Halloween treat. Thank you to all the Brantford agencies for hosting this month’s meeting.

9. Next Board Meeting ? December 3rd and 4th, 2008
Holiday Inn Select, Toronto

10. Motion to Adjourn was made by Judy at 1:30 pm.

Brian Young, President
Sherry Kerr, Secretary

192 Member Agencies and Growing