Mission Statement
Strong, viable, accountable agencies who have the resources and professional competencies to provide quality supports and services to people with special needs.
OASIS provides leadership through sharing ideas, information and knowledge, and interacts with government and other organizations on issues affecting its members.
Core Values
Diversity and Equality
- OASIS acknowledges all members as equals, respects the autonomy and philosophical positions of members and understands that agreement may not be possible on all issues.
- OASIS offers an environment that encourages participation of its diverse membership in all matters of interest or concern.
Integrity and Transparency
- OASIS conducts itself with transparency, openness and cohesion in all aspects of its work
- OASIS interacts with government in a non-partisan manner.
- OASIS is a volunteer driven organization.
Leadership and Excellence
- OASIS engages in strategic planning and ongoing review to ensure that we meet the needs of our members.
- OASIS partners with other groups when appropriate in pursuit of its vision.
- OASIS provides information to members and government regarding best practices, emerging issues and current trends through research and other activities.
- OASIS promotes the collective interests of people with special needs and their families by helping to improve and extend responsive and cost-effective supports and activities to its members.