Celebrating Unity, Appreciating Diversity

The beautiful and historic city of London offered a wonderful setting for this year’s AGM. A variety of sights and attractions including fine restaurants, theater and a new market in the downtown core, excellent shopping, art galleries, a world-class university, community college and recreational facilities, awaited the OASIS conference participants.

Our theme, “Celebrating Unity Appreciating Diversity” allowed delegates to enhance their personal development and gain valuable information from a wide array of informative sessions.

As part of our annual conference, a trade fair, silent auction and best practice fair were offered to showcase new developments and to give the opportunity to bid on unique gifts. Many participants took the time to visit the booths and check out the latest products and services.

New OASIS President, Paul Wilson

Past President, Sue Dolan

Keith Hudson

AGM 2002 – OASIS Board Meeting

Annie Oliver & Gordon Anton

Cleopatra and entourage

The grand entrance

A performance to remember

Rosemary George with cast

192 Member Agencies and Growing