We have been monitoring closely the situation with Covid-19 as it has continued to evolve. We value the safety and well-being of our member agencies, their staff and the people they support above all else. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is showing no signs of slowing down in the near future, following much discussion and with the conference now only 7 weeks away, the OASIS Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Conference at the Deerhurst Resort in Huntsville, Ontario.
This was an extremely tough decision to make, especially as the conference was shaping up to be absolutely amazing, with exceptional speakers, events and sessions. However, everyone’s safety must come first.
The OASIS board would like to take this time to acknowledge and thank the 2020 Conference Planning Committee and its representatives from Community Living South Muskoka, Community Living West Nipissing, Community Living Parry Sound, Community Living Mattawa, Community Living North Bay, Almaguin Highlands Community Living and Community Living Huntsville, for working so hard on the planning of the conference over the last few years and for their leadership during this unprecedented time.
We have been working with Deerhurst Resort on possible alternatives and we are happy to announce that we will return to Deerhurst for our 2022 Conference from Wednesday 11th May-Friday 13th May 2022. More details will come at a later date.
We have a cancellation plan in place and the following items will take place over the coming weeks:
- Communication: The website will be updated regarding the event cancellation.
- Registered Delegates: Registered attendees will be reimbursed their conference registration fees in full. We ask that you please give us a few weeks as refunding all attendees may take some time.
- Deerhurst Room Cancellations: We also confirm that all reservations you have made at the Deerhurst Resort using the OASIS group code will automatically be cancelled. No action is required, and no charges will be incurred. If you have booked a room, Deerhurst will be sending an email to each guest to advise you when you can expect your refund. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT DEERHURST RESORT DIRECTLY TO CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION. Due to Deerhurst currently being closed due to COVID-19, they are short staffed and have asked all registered guests to not call to cancel your booking and to please be patient while waiting for your notification as it will take them some time to process each cancellation. As stated, your reservation will be cancelled and you will be notified via email of the cancellation and refund details. Again, please be patient while waiting for your notification as it will take Deerhurst some time to process each cancellation.
- Sponsors & Exhibitors: If you are a sponsor or exhibitor you will be contacted directly regarding your partnership and next steps.
Please contact the Executive Coordinator at executivecoordinator@oasisonline.ca should you have any further questions or concerns.
Thank you for your understanding and your continued support to OASIS. Please stay safe in this very challenging time.
We look forward to hosting you all at our 2021 Conference in Toronto!!