OASIS Board Highlights Vol 1, Issue 8
The Board-Highlights is a regular publication that covers key highlights and presentations made at OASIS Board meetings. Our aim is to keep you informed about the goals and activities of the OASIS Board of Directors.
In this issue you will find updates concerning:
- OASIS Communications and Government Relations Support
- Labour Relations – Stabilization Funding Extension Request; Addressing Gaps in the Health Care Services Used by Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario
- Provincial Network
- Housing
- News Flash
- OASIS ‚ÄòUNDER THE BIG TOP’s 2019 London Conference
If you are interested in/or have questions about items addressed in the Board Highlights, please feel free to e-mail or call Christine Dubyk at administrativesupport@oasisonline.ca or 905-579-5267.
Comments, suggestions and feedback can be provided through this link Submit Feedback.
Click on the following link, for Vol 1, Issue 8: Board-Highlights